Man Up and Grab Your Bells!
David Ganulin--the CEO & Founder of KettleBell Concepts, is on a mission. He's joined by his Senior Instructors in the strong belief that this age-old implment, when in the hands of a properly trained coach/instructor, is incredibly powerful for affecting real physical changes for its users. So after training nearly 5,000 fitness professionals since 2002, what's up? The problem is that where it can do the most good (phys ed classes) is the hardest to get involved with thanks to all the red tape! We'd take the money and spread the wealth. We'd provide public schools that really needed it with racks of kb's. In addition? We'd send an instructor out there on us to train them in our Level 1 course. No more excuses. No more red tape. No more worries about equipment costs. Now the PE teachers are in the position to do what they do best--affect some serious change and possibly even reverse some damage that lack of exercise may have already done. Thank you in advance for your consideration!