The Motion Project
In Rockford, IL - where the number 9 has haunted us through magazine lists, & despite the disheartenting HS drop out rates and rampant crime - we "Rockfordians" believe in our community. There is a rising degree of culture & atristry that can help develop and sustain our community into its previous glory days. To do this, we must start with our Youth. The Motion Project is dream set on 'fostering a participatory creative culture through the social impact of music, arts programs, experiential learning and volunteer opportunities for all ages, especially young people'. This project & resulting community center will create a nexus of individuals driven to succeed. Through this network, participants will grow in Civic Vitality, Educational Opportunities, Economics, Cultural Impact, & other relevant areas. The future of our community lays on the shoulders of today's youth. The Motion Project gives them tools & experience to make a real difference in themselves & the Rockford Region.