Quality Lifestyle Choices Equate to Classy Individuals
Companies such as Ketel One and GQ are synonymous with the high-class individual. The high-class individual consists of a person who makes responsible choices and treats themselves with respect, which includes eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. As the obesity problem in our nation continues to grow, along with an endless number of other health problems associated with a poor diet and lack of exercise, changes must be made in order to create a healthier, happier population. My idea for the $100,000 prize is to sponsor a transformation contest for overweight males between the ages of 21 and 65. Ketel One is a company that believes in responsible drinking and lifestyle choices, and what better way to display their interest in quality life choices than to reward individuals for bettering themselves? This could be a nationwide contest where users submit pictures and video, resulting in the top transformations being awarded cash prizes.